
In the review I will focus on the bridge page because it will be mostly visited. If we are talking about mass adoption in crypto, some suggestion would be oriented on a regular users (the ones that just got how to use metamask and asks us how to transfer the tokens across the chains)


1 . When user adds the tokens he wants to bridge without connecting the wallet and is unable to enter the amount of tokens - its not obvious for a regular user what to do further



When user clicks on amount form - exclaim the connect wallet button (red border or an animation on the button)



  1. The direction of transfer and gwei number can be misunderstood by a user, can perceived as gwei number from 77 to 5.



Separate the destination and Gwei info. Example: Put gwei number and icon below the token icon


  1. For a reqular user a number of gwei means nothing. Its important to know the total cost of the tx he wants to execute.

Solution Add the approximate transaction cost above the action button.

Example My favourite solana bridge swim solved the problem like that